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The following articles and resources may be of general interest to those attending the upcoming convening. Please monitor this page as new resources are added.


17 April 2023: Knowledge Ecology International
Media coverage of the WHO pandemic treaty negotiations (on transparency and content) – First quarter, 2023.

7 April 2023: Pandemic Accord: MSF’s Comments on Equity Provisions in Zero Draft. MSF Access Campaign

7 April 2023: Global Health Watch 6, Peoples Health Movement
GHW6 covers a wide range of topics, including climate change and health, impact of digitalisation on health, and the impact of corporate power on health. More than 120 public health experts, non-governmental organizations, civil society activists, community groups, health workers and academics from 28 countries contributed to the final book, giving shape to its content and analyses.

30 March 2023: Corporations Dominate Trade Advisory Panels. David Dayden

20 March 2023: Don’t trade our lives away, The Telegraph.

27 February 2023: From vaccine to visa apartheid, how anti-Blackness persists in global health, Authors: Catherine Kyobutungi, Githinji Gitahi Marie-Claire Wangari, Patterson Siema, Evelyn Gitau, Florence Sipalla, Madhukar Pai, Samuel Oji Oti.

16 March 2023: Behind the Mask Story Series (PSI)

1 March 2023: Impact of Covid -19 On HIV Treatment Access Costs in Brazil, Indonesia, Uganda, USA and other countries (ITPC). Author: Nadia Rafif.

1 February 2023: Latin America can lead the way on a  new public health model (Al Jazeera). Author: Carina Vance Mafla.

31 January 2023: Watch: Githinji Gitahi on building climate-resilient health systems (Devex). Author: Naomi Mihara. Access the pdf here.

Folder Health and Democracy in Brazil. GTPI / ABIA

15 December 2022: Pharma companies attempt to overturn Brazilian Supreme Court’s historic decision on patents. Felipe Carvalho Borges da Fonseca, Susana Rodrigues Cavalcanti Van Der Ploeg, Maria Clara Pfeiffer Noronha, Alan Rossi Silva

2 December 2022: Climate reparations as a catalyst for health justice—possibilities for a fairer world (The BMJ). Authors: Kavian Kulasabanathan, Thilagawathi Abi Deivanayagam, Amiteshwar Singh. Access the pdf here.

10 November 2022: 8 billion people: Four ways climate change and population growth combine to threaten public health, with global consequences (The Conversation). Author: Maureen Lichtveld. Access the pdf here.

25 October 2022: The 2022 report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: health at the mercy of fossil fuels (The Lancet). Authors: Marina Romanello, Claudia Di Napoli, Paul Drummond, et al. Access the pdf here.

12 October 2022: WHO – Pandemic Agreement/IHR negotiations (related documents). Delegation of the European Union of the United Nations

29 September – 27 October 2022: Climate and Health Advocacy Boot Camp (The Global Consortium on Climate and Health Education and the Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health). Access the pdf here.

30 June 2022: The WTO DEAL explainer (Health Justice Initiative).

23 March 2022: The Climate Crisis and Health Inequality: Climate Activism in South Korea – KPTU presentation. Presentation by Lee Hyangchoon

23 August 2021: Explainer on Vaccine Licenses for Covid-19 (Health Justice Initiative).

4 June 2021: Frequently Asked Questions: The TRIPS waiver and the WTO  (Health Justice Initiative).

14 April 2020: Coronavirus: A Civilisation at the crossroads of capitalist chaos or the return to Nature. Elizabeth Peredo Beltrán

Universal Vaccination series landing page:

2022: El futuro de las pandemias. Oxfam Brasil, Vacunas para la Gente en Latinoamérica

November 2022: Desigualdade no Acesso a Vacinas Contra a Covid-19 no Brasil. Oxfam, Vacunas para la Gente en Latinoamérica

2022: Barreras y acceso a vacunación covid-19PARA MUJERES RURALES EN EL SALVADOR. Instituto de Investigación, capacitación y Desarrollo de la Mujer (IMU), Oxfam en El Salvador, Serie Agenda Regional para la Vacunación Universal contra la COVID-19, Oxfam en América Latina y el Caribe

2022: Estudio de caso sobre la accesibilidad de las vacunas para la COVID-19: Poblaciones en situación de vulnerabilidad. Medicos del Mundo Francia – Colombia, Centro de pensamiento medicamentos información y poder de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Oxfam Colombia, Vacunas para la Gente en Latinoamérica

2022: Vacunación COVID-19 y poblaciónes vulnerables: Desigualdad y barreras institucionales (MSPAS) de acceso a la vacunación. Por Karin Slowing y Oscar Chávez, Laboratorio de Datos, Serie Agenda Regional para la Vacunación Universal contra la COVID-19, Oxfam en América Latina y el Caribe

2022: ESTUDIO DE CASO: BRECHAS DE VACUNACIÓN EN EL DEPARTAMENTO DE GRACIAS A DIOS. Foro Social de Deuda Externa y Desarrollo de Honduras (FOSDEH), Oxfam en Honduras del Programa Centroamérica, Vacunas para la Gente en Latinoamérica y el Caribe


28 March 2023: The 2022 South America report of The Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: trust the science. Now that we know, we must act

January 2023: Study on the availability and affordability of diagnostics for Covid-19 and Mpox in low and middle-income countries. Dr Fifa Rahman
Commissioned by the PVA and written by Dr Fifa Rahman of Matahari Global Solutions, this report seeks to analyse availability and accessibility of diagnostics for COVID-19 and MPOX in anticipation of discussions on an expansion of the TRIPS waiver and with the objective of understanding barriers to people in LMICs accessing diagnostics considering regulatory mechanisms, supply chain barriers, as well as any policy barriers that prevent people in LMICs being able to access diagnostics when they needed it.

November 2022: A fact-based case for the extension of the Trips Covid decision. People’s Vaccine Alliance
A technical briefing (by the People’s Vaccine Alliance) calling on the member states of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) to support the extension of the WTO ministerial decision, agreed on 17 June 2022 to COVID-19 therapeutics and diagnostics, to enable diversified manufacturing and supply and to close the access gap facing people in low- and middle-income countries.

October 2022: Key issues and recommendations for the International Treaty on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness, Response and Recovery. People’s Vaccine Alliance
Key recommendations from the People’s Vaccine Alliance on how the world can prevent and prepare for future health crises, and respond and recover should they happen.

October 2022: Berlin Declaration: Key claims and critiques. People’s Vaccine Alliance
A comprehensive rebuttal by the People’s Vaccine Alliance of a lobbying document from the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA), titled the Berlin Declaration.

August 2022: Mapping access gaps in COVID-19: Results from 14 Countries and Territories. Matahari Global Solutions with support from ITPC and PVA
As the world tries to move on from COVID-19, access to COVID-19 tools including rapid tests, novel antivirals, vaccines, and oxygen, remains inequitable in LMICs. For vaccines in particular, ‘hesitancy’ is often invoked as a key obstacle to vaccinating the world. A recent report by Matahari Global Solutions, International Treatment Preparedness Coalition, and the People’s Vaccine Alliance finds that the picture in lower- and middle-income countries is much more nuanced than a simple attribution to ‘hesitancy’.

GJN:  ‘Monopoly Capitalism: What it is and how do we fight it?’ Read and download the report here

What do we expect from the pandemic treaty? Watch as Natalia from PVA LAC explains what Latin America expects from the Pandemic treaty. The explanation is taken from the LAC latest report ‘We want a future pandemic treaty to reflect the perspective of the global south.’ Read and download the report here.

Los capítulos de este volumen desarrollan diversas problemáticas que van desde consideraciones sobre la gobernanza climática en el contexto del Antropoceno, hasta las políticas de sanidad e innovación sanitaria y las políticas públicas en favor de la justicia climática. Leia e baixe o relatório aqui


1 July 2022: A New and Weak WTO Deal on TRIPS is Not Fit for Purpose Think Global Health. Author/s: Fatima Hassan 

16 August 2021: Profiteering from vaccine inequity: a crime against humanity? BMJ. Author/s: Fatima Hassan, Gavin Yamey, Kamran Abbasi

23 February 2021: Don’t Let Drug Companies create a system of Vaccine Apartheid. Foreign policy. Author/s: Fatima Hassan


23 September 2022: Never Again PVA: Visit the South African mRNA Hub, People’s Vaccine Alliance
To be screened at the convening: ‘Enter an immersive tour of the WHO-backed Afrigen mRNA technology transfer hub program, exploring its sites at Afrigen and Biovac (South Africa) and the Institute Pasteur (Senegal). Hear from community members affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, activists, community health workers, and researchers. To help address the inequities in global access to medical technologies that AIDS and COVID-19 laid bare, the World Health Organization (WHO) and partners launched an mRNA technology transfer program in July 2021. Hosted by Afrigen Biologics Ltd. in Cape Town, South Africa, the global program is working to improve health and security by building sustainable, locally owned mRNA manufacturing capabilities in and for low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Afrigen in South Africa provides technology development, training, and technology transfer to 15-20 partners in low and middle-income countries around the world, enabling them to research, develop, make, and sell commercial products.’ 

27 September 2022, Voices From the Favelas, Health Poverty Action
To be screened at the convening: ‘Voices from the Favelas’ documents the community’s life in Cantagalo Favela, Rio de Janeiro, during the Covid-19 pandemic. We spoke to residents about the collective pain the community went through as they waited for the Covid-19 vaccine. Community leaders from the favela shared their struggles during the extended lockdowns. Extreme poverty, hunger, violence, poor infrastructure and services were all made worse. Lockdowns were deeper and longer than necessary as a direct result of an unequal, profit-driven global vaccine rollout that prioritised wealthy countries. Our film documents the struggle but also contains a message of hope as we shine a light on what must change for the future.’

14 March 2023: #BehindTheMask, Public Services International

10 March 2023: GCAP Ghana in collaboration with AbibiNsroma Foundation joined People’s Vaccine Alliance on the 3 years anniversary of the COVID-19, The people’s Vaccine

09 March 2023: Global vaccine access activists confronted Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel, Justice Global

04 March 2023: How to protect the high seas, Aljazeera

25 February 2023: The time for #ClimateAction is now! (MSF Southern Africa).

20 February 2023: How did Cuba make Covid-19 vaccines? (Progressive International). Narrated by: Varsha Gandikota.

5 January 2023: Priorities for the future of health. (The Lancet). Narrated by: Richard Horton.

23 September 2022: Never Again PVA: Visit the South African mRNA Hub, People’s Vaccine

8 June 2022: Unravelling the Pandemic: Envisioning our Intersectional Feminist Futures: A Video, SAMA Womens Health

18 October 2021: The 5% Continent Webinar Series – Webinar 1 Greed, Health Justice Initiative, People’s Health Movement South Africa and African Alliance

09 November 2021: 5% Continent Webinar Series – Webinar 2 Divides, Health Justice Initiative, People’s Health Movement South Africa and African Alliance

December 2021: The 5% Continent Webinar Series – webinar 3 Solidarity, Health Justice Initiative, People’s Health Movement South Africa and African Alliance